Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Next thing, are you ever wishing to find the answer to keep your little sister or brother out of your room. First of all if you have a lock, lock your door . If not, put stuff in front of your door.If all fails tell mom or dad.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

First of all do you ever hear those little brothers and sisters saying ''can I do that can I do that'' and it drives you CRAZY? Well then you may want to write this down. Before you do something that you know they would want to do, give them something else that will keep them busy. Then do the thing you wanted to do. Oh and make sure not to tell them where your going to be...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WELCOME   to STOP THE LITTLE DRAMA.In this blog you will find ways to help you become the perfect big sister or brother.It will give you tips from feeding the newborn to giving them a bubble bath.         

And just think another one is coming.  

OK NOW LETS get started on those tips shall we.